Name: Vijay Kandasamy
Home: Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
About Me:
The name Vijay \v(i)-jay\ is pronounced VEE-jay. It is of Hindi and Sanskrit origin, and its meaning is "conquering".
- Thinks far with vision
- Sacrastic at the moments
- Easily influenced by kindness
- Polite and soft-spoken
- Having lots of ideas
- Sensitive
- Active mind
- Hesitating
- Tends to delay
- Choosy and always wants the best
- Temperamental
- Funny and humorous
- Loves to joke
- Good debating skills
- Talkative
- Daydreamer
- Friendly
- Knows how to make friends
- Abiding
- Able to show character
- Easily hurt
- Prone to getting colds
- Loves to dress up
- Easily bored
- Fussy
- Seldom show emotions
- Takes time to recover when hurt
- Brand conscious
- Executive Style
- Stubborn
- Those who loves me are enemies
- Those who hates me are friends
See my complete
do we really need to take the risk n guess?
kekekeke.. :P